Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Teacher Collaboration

"Teacher collaboration is essential in the development of quality teachers. It is imperative to support them as they search for ways to enhance their instruction and improve achievement. When educators share common goals and exert coordinated effort to improve themselves through collaborative endeavors, their skill levels increase. By tapping the wisdom of veteran teachers, knowledge of specialized instructors, or input of support personnel, the faculty as a whole becomes stronger. This strength is the foundation of successful schools” (Wik Ed)

I am looking forward to collaborating with all of you in order to become great educators. Collaboration is the key to all our success. I encourage you to post any ideas or thoughts that you feel are relevant. This could be our place to go to for any resources we need. 

While researching, I also stumbled on a website called “Tapped In” and it sounded very interesting. You need to register for it and the main page states that Tapped In is the online workplace of an international community of education professionals. K-12 teachers and librarians, professional development staff, teacher education faculty, students, and researchers engage in professional development programs and informal collaborative activities with colleagues.

Lets work together! Happy blogging!

